Pull yourself together, girl!
Do you enjoy shopping? I mean really enjoy it? Do you buy items? Or do you walk into stores, liking what you see in the window but when you enter, you are filled with a sense of dread and self-doubt? Not really knowing where to start, you don't try things on, or sample any products--or you do, only to second guess yourself and end up leaving with empty bags?
You really want to pull yourself together and look great every day, but have no idea where to start.
We at Keyden Grace have been having this discussion with ourselves and our friends and colleagues for the past few years--(a teller at the bank the other day heard me talking about Keyden Grace and turned to the other teller and said "we were just talking about this yesterday!") I am sure we are not alone in this conundrum.
Everything in our favorite stores looks like we are trying to be 20 years old again, and we feel like the styles are cut for skinny people (Skinny pencil jeans? Seriously?)
When we realized we were not alone, we created a site, www.keydengrace.com, that would bring clothing and skin care products to you that work. Items you can trust. Items that will fit and be affordable. Clothing and skin care products that will honestly help you look your best. Every. Single. Day.
Because we are partnering with local boutiques to help small business owners expand their online footprint, our quantities of clothing will be limited and turn over quickly, so you will have to make a decision fast or it may not be on the site a week later. In addition to helping local businesses, when we can, we will feature products made in the USA.
But you have to take the initiative. It starts with you making a decision that you won't be afraid, take a risk and try our suggestions. Let 2017 be the year that you reach out beyond your comfort zone and try new things. We hope you will give us the honor of trying us out, and allowing us to join you for this amazing ride.
This week we are launching our affiliation with two respected leaders in the skin care industry--Perricone MD and Shiseido. Little by little, we will review products from each of their lines, explain the benefits to you, and answer your questions. Subscribe to our site to get the latest coupons and offers for each of the items we review.
Thank you for joining us for this incredible ride.
Prepare to look fabulous.